Recent News
Spring 2015 Quarterly
May 1, 2015
Click here to read STRIDE's Spring 2015 newsletter, now renamed to Center for Health Research!
STRIDE Seed Funding Initiative
Apr 21, 2015
In Partnership with CAFES, CENG, CLA, and COSAM, the Cal Poly Center for Solutions Through Diet & Research (STRIDE, now renamed to Center for Health Research,) is currently accepting applications for its Seed Funding Initiative. This mechanism provides eligible faculty with up to $5,000 for 15 months to produce work leading to an external research grant proposal submission in line with the mission of Center for Health Research. The most successful proposals will demonstrate scientific merit, interdisciplinary approaches, student involvement, potential for external funding, and relevance to Center for Health Research mission and values.
Winter 2015 Quarterly
Feb 1, 2015
Click here to read STRIDE's Winter 2015 newsletter, now renamed to Center for Health Research!
Fall 2014 Quarterly
Jan 8, 2015
December 2014
Click here to read STRIDE's Fall 2014 Quarterly newsletter, now renamed to Center for Health Research!
Spring 2014 Quarterly
May 28, 2014
JUNE 2014
Click here to read STRIDE's Spring 2014 Quarterly newsletter, now renamed to Center for Health Research!
Winter 2014 Quarterly
Mar 3, 2014
march 2014
Click here to read STRIDE's Winter 2014 Quarterly newsletter, now renamed to Center for Health Research!
Cal Poly FLASH Study Seeks Collaborators
Feb 26, 2014
Cal Poly faculty members and external researchers are invited to be FLASH investigators. To request data, please refer to the FLASH Data Dictionary to identify variables of interest and use the FLASH Data Request Form to make an inquiry.
Following the Longitudinal Aspects of Student Health (FLASH) is the nation's largest longitudinal college health study!
Cal Poly's own longitudinal college health study, FLASH, tracks the health behavior and outcomes of students throughout their college careers. This information may be used to examine and intervene in modifiable health behaviors associated with weight gain, high blood pressure and other risk factors among college students.
Cal Poly FLASH data is now available for analysis. Students and faculty members recruited incoming freshmen in fall 2009 and 2010 and collected data until spring 2012. The survey results include socio-demographic, dietary, physical activity, stress, media use and other data. Physical assessments, glucose and cholesterol panels, vitamin D measurements and resting energy expenditure assessments were also conducted among different sub-samples.
The FLASH research group is now meeting on a regular basis, uniting the scientific interests of Cal Poly faculty from across campus. Our goal is to collaboratively publish manuscripts using FLASH data in all areas of faculty interest. The FLASH study has already generated more than a dozen national and international conference presentations and we are planning to develop multiple manuscripts in several thematic areas.
Los Angeles Radio Station Features , now renamed to Center for Health Research's Activity4All Program
Jan 31, 2014
january 29, 2014
Los Angeles radio station KPFK featured Kevin Taylor, chair of the Kinesiology Professor, on its Jan. 29 "Access Unlimited" show. Taylor discussed STRIDE's, now renamed to Center for Health Research, Activity for All program, which provides community members of all levels of ability with opportunities for recreation and exercise. The program is staffed by Cal Poly kinesiology students who collaborate with engineering students and volunteers to create fun and inclusive adapted physical activities.
Listen to the podcast of Taylor's interview on KPFK
Fall 2013 Quarterly
Dec 6, 2013
November 2013
Click here to read STRIDE's Fall 2013 Quarterly newsletter, now renamed to Center for Health Research!
Spring 2013 Quarterly
Jul 29, 2013
june 1, 2013
This edition of STRDE's Quarterly, now renamed to Center for Health Research, features president's cabinet presentations, graduating students, and more. Click here to read the Spring 2013 Quarterly!