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Seed Funding Initiative

In Partnership with CAFES, CENG, CLA, and COSAM, the Cal Poly Center for Solutions Through Diet & Research (STRIDE, now renamed to Center for Health Research) is currently accepting applications for its Seed Funding Initiative. This mechanism provides eligible faculty with up to $5,000 for 15 months to produce work leading to an external research grant proposal submission in line with the mission of Center for Health Research. The most successful proposals will demonstrate scientific merit, interdisciplinary approaches, student involvement, potential for external funding, and relevance to Center for Health Research mission and values. 


The Center for Health Research Seed Funding Initiative aims to generate external research funding and foster interdisciplinary collaboration among Cal Poly faculty. The program will provide one-time seed funding for promising projects for up to 15 months and up to $5,000. The goal of this initiative is to produce work leading to an external research grant proposal submission in line with the mission of Center for Health Research.


  • Cal Poly faculty members from any department engaged in research related to Center for Health Research’s mission and consistent with its values are eligible to apply.
  • Funding may be used for any data-generating activity including data collection, data analysis, writing, fieldwork, and personnel.
  • Funds may not be used for travel, conference or professional fees, or equipment


  • The number of funded projects will depend on budgets and budget adjustments, ranging from two to five projects funded.
  • All of the following information must be included in submissions:
    • Page 1: A cover page including: Lead faculty member, faculty department/affiliation, expertise area/s, and email address, collaborating researchers (if applicable), title of project, an abstract of the project (500 characters with spaces)
    • Page 2: One single-spaced page (maximum) describing the nature of the research, importance of the topic, and research plan
    • Page 3: Itemized budget and timeline
  • Funded researchers will present findings at a Center for Health Research research symposium in fall 2017 (details TBD)

Evaluation criteria

The most successful proposals will demonstrate scientific merit, interdisciplinary approaches, student involvement, potential for external funding, and relevance to Center for Health Research mission and values.


  • May 2, 2016: Submissions open
  • May 20, 2016: Submissions deadline (11:59 pm)
  • June 1, 2016: Applicants notified of results
  • Approx. June 15 2016- September 15, 2016: Study period
  • Fall Quarter 2017: Research symposium for funded projects


  • Email completed proposals in one pdf document to healthresearch@calpoly.edu with “Center for Health Research Seed Funding Initiative” in the subject line
  • For questions, contact Casey Heaney, Center for Health Research Coordinator at heaney@calpoly.edu

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