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Reproductive and Family Health

Healthy Mamas logo
Healthy Mamas/Mamas Activas
This NIH-funded randomized trial is examining whether pregnant women with obesity have better health outcomes if they maintain weight during pregnancy. Women enroll in the beginning of their second trimester and study staff follows them until after delivery.

For more information, contact Principal Investigator: Suzanne Phelan, Ph.D. (sphelan@calpoly.edu).

Learn more here: https://healthresearch.calpoly.edu/healthy-mamas-0.

iBaby logo
The NIH-funded iBaby study will be the first to use objective measures to examine the association between maternal technology use in the home and babies’ health, including emotional and social development. Participants enroll during pregnancy and are followed until baby turns one.

For more information, contact Principal Investigator: Alison Ventura, Ph.D. (akventur@calpoly.edu, 805-756-5693).

Learn more here: https://ibabystudy.calpoly.edu/.

Women's Mobile Healh logo
Women’s Mobile Health

The Center continues its collaboration with the NOOR foundation, providing free access to healthcare for women without insurance living in Northern Santa Barbara County. The clinic provides services to primarily farm-working women who speak Spanish or Mixtec and face many barriers to care. Services included treatment and prevention of chronic diseases, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Staff on the unit also provided behavioral and social services to reduce food insecurity and pesticide exposure.

For more information, contact Principal Investigator: Suzanne Phelan, Ph.D. (sphelan@calpoly.edu).

Learn more here: https://healthresearch.calpoly.edu/mobile-health-menu.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Lab (SRH)
The SRH Lab at Cal Poly is a research lab focused on sexual and reproductive health issues that affect women especially women of color. Research topics include sexual activity, sexual dysfunction, contraception, sexual health decisions, menstruation and conception related topics.

For more information, contact Principal Investigator Joni Roberts, Ph.D. (jrober81@calpoly.edu).

Learn more here: https://healthresearch.calpoly.edu/sexual-and-reproductive-health-lab.

Physical Behaviors & Sleep Health

The goal of this NIH-funded study is to determine the best ways to reduce sedentary screen time in sedentary adults. Intervention approaches included varying combinations of text-messaging, earning minutes of screen time through physical activity, and screen lockouts for exceeding screen time goal.

For more information, contact the Principal Investigator: Sarah Keadle, Ph.D. (skeadle@calpoly.edu).

Learn more here: https://healthresearch.calpoly.edu/standuptv

Optimization and Validation of Activity Monitor Data
New methods and technology are being tested to better measure activity-related behaviors and improve our understanding of how these behaviors relate to health.

For more information, contact the Principal Investigator: Sarah Keadle, (skeadle@calpoly.edu, 805-756-1785).

Sleep Health in Firefighters
The goal of this study is to develop and test an intervention to improve sleep in firefighters. The study is developing and testing an app and phone-based intervention to promote sleep and overall health.

For more information, contact the Principal Investigators: Angelos Sikalidis, Ph.D. (asikalid@calpoly.edu) and Suzanne Phelan, Ph.D. (sphelan@calpoly.edu).

Community and Immigrant Health

Neighborhood, Social Connectedness, and Allostatic Load in US Chinese Immigrants

Immigrants undergo a transition in health after migration to the US, creating disparities that are probably preventable. The objectives of this NIH-funded study are to examine whether and how social isolation in immigrant communities affect disease and overall health. Researchers will compare health outcomes among those living in neighborhoods with large Chinese populations and those who are more isolated from these neighborhoods.

For more information, contact the Principal Investigator: Marilyn Tseng, PhD (mtseng@calpoly.edu, 805-756-2196)

Mi Gente, Nuestra Salud

This project is studying a new approach to healthcare that empowers citizens to identify and address their communities’ most pressing health concerns and mobilize leadership to take action.  Most recently, the initiative completed Phase 1 of a study funded by California Breast Cancer Research Program and done in collaboration with Corazon del Pueblo. Results highlighted environmental and neighborhood level factors shaping the health of mothers and daughters living in Santa Maria and Guadalupe. 

For more information, contact the Principal Investigator: Marilyn Tseng, Ph.D. (mtseng@calpoly.edu, 805-756-2196) and Suzanne Phelan, Ph.D. (sphelan@calpoly.edu).

Health Communications

Storytelling for Hepatitis B Prevention
This study examines the impact and experiences of individuals who participated in an online storytelling campaign about themselves or a family member impacted by hepatitis B.

For more information, please contact Principal Investigator: Julia Alber, (jmalber@calpoly.edu, 805-756-1779) .

Equity & Inclusivity in Patient Health Communication
This study is analyzing the suitability of patient education materials written in English and Spanish and disseminated to patients with moderate to high risk of low health literacy.

For more information, please contact Principal Investigator Jafra D. Thomas, Ph.D., MPH, MA  (jthoma84@calpoly.edu).

Healthy Weight

WW Global

This global study is examining the behavioral, psychological, and environmental factors that characterize successful weight loss maintenance in 10 countries across the globe. All participants have participated in Weight Watchers, losing an average of 66 pounds and keeping the weight off for 3.5 years. Investigators are identifying whether and how cultural context shapes the experience of weight loss maintenance.

For more information, contact the Principal Investigator: Suzanne Phelan, (sphelan@calpoly.edu, 805-756-2087).

Learn more here: https://healthresearch.calpoly.edu/weight-watchers-success-survey.

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