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Winter 2016 Newsletter

Picture of salad bar at campus dining option, the Avenue

STRIDE Science: Student Research Team Evaluates Campus Dining Options

There are healthy dining options available on Cal Poly’s campus for students who are inclined to find them, according to findings from a study by STRIDE, now renamed to Center for Health Research, faculty members and their student assistants. Campus food courts have more healthy options than sit-down restaurants at Cal Poly, researchers also found.

Photo of Teaford

STRIDE in the Community: Game, Set, Match — Let's Eat

Many days as I enter and leave campus, I pass the Cal Poly tennis courts and see our student athletes practicing — a commitment that must contribute to long days that include specialized practices, classes, meetings, study time, maybe work. How do our student athletes find time for it all? And how, on top of all that, do they find time to eat well?

Read more from Stephanie

Tennis Cooking Event Collage

Serve It Up: Cooking Classes for the Cal Poly Tennis Teams

Players from the Cal Poly tennis teams gathered in the STRIDE kitchen in January to learn how to cook healthy meals as part of Serve It Up, an educational training for the athletes. Lynsey Ricci, a STRIDE alumna, and Chris Borgard, performance nutrition program coordinator for the Cal Poly tennis teams, taught the athletes about cooking techniques and healthy eating. 

Read more about Serve It Up


Photo of Haley Turndrup

Graduate Student Profile: Haley Terndrup

For my thesis work, I am investigating the effects of a uniformly weighted exercise suit on bone metabolism markers in the blood of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. The exercise suit is made of spandex, other synthetic fibers, and stainless steel beads to combine flexibility, breathability and weight during movement. 


Read more about Haley Terndrup

New Health Ambassadors and A Team

STRIDE Introduces Special Projects Team

Molly Iwasaki, kinesiology undergraduate and special projects coordinator, is working through STRIDE to develop and implement an exercise-based fall prevention program for older adults in the San Luis Obispo community. Maritsa Enriquez, food, science and nutrition undergraduate research assistant, is doing research related to STRIDE’s Following the Longitudinal Aspects of Student Health (FLASH) study.

Read more about STRIDE's special projects


More News

Letter from the Director 

Tseng Campus Dining Research

Having just spent a lovely President’s Day holiday at the beach, I am once again reminded of how fortunate we are to live in one of the most outdoor activity-friendly cities in the nation. With plenty of sunny days and more hikes, bikes and waves than I can count, this region offers our residents and visitors many opportunities to be physically active. Burning calories, however, is only part of the equation.

Read the letter from the director ›


Faculty and Students Begin Research as Part of STRIDE’s Second Annual Seed Funding Initiative 


Food Day EventProjects supported by STRIDE’s second annual Seed Funding Initiative got underway this quarter. The Center funded research projects for three interdisciplinary teams of faculty and students during the 2015-16 academic year. Applicants were judged on scientific merit, interdisciplinary approaches, student involvement, potential for external funding, and relevance to STRIDE's mission and values. Jointly funded by STRIDE and the Colleges of Science and Mathematics; Liberal Arts; and Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, each research team received $5,000 in start-up funds. 

Read more about STRIDES' seed funding ›

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