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Stride in the Community: Game, Set, Match — Let’s Eat!


Many days as I enter and leave campus, I pass the Cal Poly tennis courts and see our student athletes practicing — a commitment that must contribute to long days that include specialized practices, classes, meetings, study time, maybe work. How do our student athletes find time for it all? And how, on top of all that, do they find time to eat well?

On campus, our students are offered many options of not only what to eat but where. At almost any time of day, they can sit down or take out, serve themselves or be served, or shop for groceries to make their own meals. So many choices. But in a busy and long day, what to eat? We know that often the easy choice is not always the healthiest.

You’ll see photos in this newsletter of a nutrition and cooking workshop called Serve It Up. The goal of the workshop was to provide student athletes on Cal Poly’s men’s and women’s tennis teams with the information and skills necessary to cook healthy, quick meals for themselves. Cooking and eating healthy meals will not only help them in their athletic performance but also build a foundation and comfort level with cooking so that it can become the easy, healthy default choice.

We wish our teams the best of luck for continued success in match play and in the kitchen.


Stephanie Teaford, Community Liaison

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