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Letter from the Director

march 2014

Dear STRIDE Family,

As our not-so-wintry winter quarter draws to a close, I am struck by how much good work our STRIDE team does on a daily basis. From student personnel and interns to faculty researchers and community partners, our exceptional interdisciplinary team works hard every day managing programs, conducting research, and implementing outreach projects. With our network of collaborators from academic institutions, professional organizations, community groups, and non-profits, we create health locally and all around the country. We are achieving our goal of translating research and science into actionable programs and policies that improve communities.

Whether it is through innovative work in new research, inspiring leadership in student excellence, or engaging educational activities with young people in our community, we can all be proud of the work that our STRIDE members accomplish every day. Our team members make a real difference in people’s lives. They are role models in their respective fields and they lead by example. They truly are Cal Poly’s best students, staff, and faculty, and we are fortunate to have them in our family. And as the latest research shows, families that eat together have more healthful dietary patterns. That’s why STRIDE’s community lunches are so important: we share delicious homemade food, appreciate great company, network with other members of the team, and remind ourselves that we are lucky to be where we are and to be doing what we love.

So this issue of our newsletter is dedicated to you: our STRIDE family. Thank you for your support over the years, your daily hard work and dedication, and your boundless energy in overcoming the complex social and public health problem of obesity in America.

In appreciation to all of you,

Aydin Nazmi

Aydin Nazmi

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