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Assessment Team Evaluates Student Health

Nearly 200 Cal Poly students received health assessments from members of STRIDE’s Assessment Team (A-Team) this quarter. A-Team members were trained to perform health assessments using FLASH (Following the Longitudinal Aspects of Student Health) protocols in the A-Team course (Kinesiology 471). Winter quarter, A-Team consisted of more than 20 Cal Poly undergraduate students. Assessing students from Don Clegg’s Healthy Living class gave A-Team members the opportunity to perform health assessments in a clinic setting using professional, research-standard protocols.

“I will use the skills I’ve learned in A-Team in the future because I want to do something in the medical field,” said Kelsey Degreef, a first year nutrition student and A-Team member.

Students had their cholesterol, fasting glucose, BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, and resting heart rates tested. Results from their assessments help students identify both areas for improvement and strengths in their health. They then used this information in a behavior change project in class.

 “I definitely recommend that other students get health assessments. It’s important to know where you’re at health-wise,” said Courtney Gallagher, a first year political science student. Though the A-Team does not make behavior change recommendations, they gave students information about normal ranges for all the assessment variables they tested and provided references for more information.

“I will probably make changes based on my health assessment. Most likely I’ll work out more — [the assessment] has been kind of a confirmation that I need to do that,” said Dominique Domoss, a first year biology student.

Kinesiology graduate student Joel Dowers, the A-Team’s program manager, collected and analyzed the data from the assessments and presented the results to participating students.

A-Team student performs test

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