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Three Faculty Affiliates Join the Team

STRIDE is excited to welcome three new faculty affiliates who joined the Center and its network of faculty across campus studying obesity prevention and related topics: two new tenure-track professors in the Kinesiology Department and a social science professor.


Marilyn Tseng, Kinesiology

For the past several years, Marilyn Tseng, whose background is in nutritional epidemiology, has been teaching part-time in the Kinesiology Department and doing research through STRIDE. With a new public health degree opening to freshman in 2018, Tseng said it was the perfect time to move into a full-time role.

 “I saw a great opportunity to be a part of developing something new, exciting and important,” Tseng said. “I’m glad to be able to continue working with my friends and colleagues in kinesiology and STRIDE, but now as a full-time faculty member.”

Tseng, who serves on the Center’s executive board, studies public health nutrition and immigrant health disparities. She said her research aims to “create an environment that makes good health accessible for achievable for everyone,” a goal that aligns well with STRIDE’s mission.

Julia Alber, Kinesiology

Julia Alber, who completed her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, also joined the Kinesiology Department to help implement the new public health degree program. Alber earned her doctorate from University of Florida, and her research focuses on cancer prevention related to those with Hepatitis B. She is currently teaching Introduction to Community and Public Health and Healthy Living and will collaborate with STRIDE to study obesity prevention and community education.

Sara Lopus, Social Sciences

Under the direction of Sara Lopus, a new professor in the Social Sciences Department, students will design and use study evaluation tools, such as surveys, to analyze the effectiveness of the mobile health unit. Lopus, whose background is in survey methodology and implementation, said she heard about the unit from a colleague and was excited to have students in her Quantitative Research Methods class apply the skills they use in class in real-life settings. 

I'm interested in giving my methods students the opportunity to work with real data pertaining to real local issues so that their assignments can serve a greater community-wide purpose than would be possible by simply doing the practice problems at the end of the chapter,” Lopus said.

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