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STRIDE Thanks Aydin Nazmi For Three Years of Leadership and Dedication

Spring 2016

Collage of Aydin Nazmi



The faculty, students and entire STRIDE community would like to thank Aydin Nazmi, who served as STRIDE’s interim director during the 2013-14 academic year and director from 2014 through spring 2016. During his time as director, STRIDE accomplished a tremendous amount.

A few highlights include: achieving universitywide center status, initiating a seed grant opportunity for faculty conducting research related to STRIDE’s mission, establishing a collaborative project with faculty, students and community members at Vanderbilt University to deliver and assess the Pink and Dude Chefs program, and hosting the Cal Poly-UC Berkeley Obesity Symposium. In addition to providing leadership on all of these projects, Nazmi secured grants for graduate student research, advised and mentored both undergraduate and graduate students, and created a productive and light-hearted learning environment.

Through these activities, Nazmi furthered Cal Poly’s guiding principles of student success, Learn by Doing and continuous improvement. The many undergraduate and graduate students, staff and faculty, and community partners are grateful to Nazmi for his leadership, dedication, commitment and many contributions to advancing STRIDE’s mission.

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