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STRIDE Science: STRIDE Researchers Present Findings at the Obesity Society Conference

STRIDE Research team

From left: Adrian Mercado, Samantha Lalush, Suzanne Phelan, Rocio Gonzales, and Anna Brannen

In November, a team of STRIDE researchers attended the 2014 Obesity Society Conference in Boston, Mass. — which brings together researchers, practitioners and policy-makers in the field of obesity — and presented findings from the Fit for Delivery research study. The team included Professor Suzanne Phelan, undergraduate students Adrian Mercado and Rocio Gonzalez, Project Coordinator Anna Brannen and Registered Dietitian Samantha Lalush.

Fit for Delivery evaluated the effects of a behavioral intervention on weight gain during pregnancy and the likelihood that women will return to their pre-pregnancy weight within six months of giving birth.

At the conference, Mercado presented data on how and from whom women in the study sought prenatal advice. “This information shows us where it is most effective to direct health advice, if not through a doctor,” said Brannen.

Brannen and Gonzalez reported on feeding practices of mothers in the study at six weeks, six months and 12 months after giving birth. Lalush presented information about current weight gain guidelines for overweight or obese women at the start of their pregnancy. Health practitioners and public health advocates can use this research to help overweight and obese women and their children improve their health during and after pregnancy. 

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