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Recent Research Grants Awarded to STRIDE Affiliates

Fall 2016

The STRIDE affiliates below received awards since June 2016:


  1. Chroeter, Christiane. Understanding Produce Purchasing Behavior, Obesity, and BMI: Empirical Results from IRI Household Panel and Med Profiler Data. USDA - Economic Research Service. 16-370. $30,001.
  2. Hagobian, Todd. Ripple effect of lifestyle intervention during pregnancy on partners’ weight. DHHS - National Institutes of Health (NIH). 12-306. $642,800.
  3. Nazmi, Aydin. Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in 11-14 years olds through an integrated nutrition education and culinary skills program: The Pink and Dude Chefs program. Anthem Foundation. 16-309. $40,308. 
  4. Papathakis, Peggy. Randomized controlled trial of the impact of treating moderately malnourished women in pregnancy. Dairy Research Institute. 14-069. $26,813. 
  5. Phelan, Suzanne. Preventing excessive gestational weight gain in obese women. DHHS - National Institutes of Health (NIH). 11-232. $630,642. 
  6. Phelan, Suzanne. Meal time interactions and risk of obesity in toddlers. DHHS - National Institutes of Health (NIH) via Temple University. 16-042. $243,645.
  7. Tseng, Marilyn. A Biobehavioral Model of Diabetes Risk in Chinese Immigrants. DHHS - National Institutes of Health (NIH) via Fox Chase Cancer Center. 15-170. $37,3.
  8. Ventura, Alison. The Effects of a Uniformly Weighted Exercise Suit on Biomarkers of Bone Turnover in Response to Aerobic Exercise in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis. Athlotek LLC. 16-292. $3,500T. 

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