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Publication Highlights

STRIDE affiliates published these articles since November, 2016:

  1. Papathakis, P. C., Singh, L. N., & Manary, M. J. (2016). How maternal malnutrition affects linear growth and development in the offspring. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 435, 40-47.
  2. Phelan, S. (2016). Windows of Opportunity for Lifestyle Interventions to Prevent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. American Journal of Perinatology, 33(13), 1291-1299.
  3. Troped, P. J., Tamura, K., Mcdonough, M. H., Starnes, H. A., James, P., Ben-Joseph, E.,. Laden, F. (2016). Direct and Indirect Associations Between the Built Environment and Leisure and Utilitarian Walking in Older Women. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
  4. Ventura, A. K. (2016). Developmental Trajectories of Bottle-Feeding During Infancy and Their Association With Weight Gain. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 1. Retrieved December 5, 2016.
  5. Ventura, A. K., & Mennella, J. A. (2017). An Experimental Approach to Study Individual Differences in Infants' Intake and Satiation Behaviors during Bottle-Feeding. Childhood Obesity, 13(1), 44-52.
  6. Witte, T. H., Casper, D. M., Hackman, C. L., & Mulla, M. M. (2016). Bystander interventions for sexual assault and dating violence on college campuses: Are we putting bystanders in harm's way? Journal of American College Health, 1-9.

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