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Obesity and Related Chronic Diseases

Ethnic Enclaves, Biopsychosocial Factors, and Chronic Disease Risk

Immigrants undergo a transition in health after migration to the US, creating disparities that are probably preventable. The objectives of our studies in this area are to identify psychosocial and behavioral predictors of chronic disease risk in Chinese immigrants, and to explore how residence in an ethnic enclave either protects against or enhances disease risk.  

Principal Investigator: Marilyn Tseng, mtseng@calpoly.edu, 805 756 2196

Weight Watcher Success Survey

The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of individuals in Weight Watchers who have succeeded in maintaining long-term weight loss.  

Principal Investigator: Suzanne Phelan, sphelan@calpoly.edu, 805 756 2087

BPA Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of a 3-week intervention (vs. control) to reduce BPA exposure in women.  The intervention includes weekly face-to-face meetings to reduce BPA exposures from food, cosmetics, and other packaged products. Women are provided with BPA-free cosmetics, hygiene, glass food/water containers and daily self-monitored major sources of BPA.

Learn more >

Principal Investigator: Todd Hagobian, thahobia@calpoly.edu, 805-756-7511

Purchase and Consumption of Highly Processed Foods in the US

Highly processed foods are widely available, commonly purchased, and linked to poor diet quality and disease risk, but they are not mentioned in US dietary guidelines and research in this area remains very controversial. The objectives of our work in this area are to improve and standardize measurement of such foods for purposes of monitoring and surveillance, describe the extent to which US households depend on these foods, and quantify their associations with disease risk.

Principal Investigator: Marilyn Tseng, mtseng@calpoly.edu, 805 756 2196

Virtually Healthy

The purpose of this study is to develop and pilot test the efficacy of a standard behavioral weight loss intervention that is augmented by virtual reality to promote habit formation and long-term weight loss maintenance. 

Principal Investigator: Suzanne Phelan, sphelan@calpoly.edu, 805 756 2087


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