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New Research at the Center for Health Research

New research at the Center for Health Research

CHR is part of a national consortium partnering with local home visiting nursing programs to study the best ways to promote heart health among families using these services. This NIH-funded grant, called ENRICH, is one of several new research projects at the center. Through the research, Principal Investigator Suzanne Phelan, a professor of kinesiology and CHR's director, hopes to improve the health of mothers and children, starting during pregnancy.

Learn more here


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Neighborhood, Social Connectedness, and Allostatic Load in U.S. Chinese Immigrants
Does social isolation in immigrant communities affect disease and overall health? This is what CHR researchers hope to determine by studying 600 Chinese immigrants in Philadelphia neighborhoods. Led by Dr. Marilyn Tseng, the study will look to compare health outcomes among those living in neighborhoods with large Chinese populations and those who are more isolated from these neighborhoods.


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Habits: StandUPTV – New Habits Grant

Sedentary screen time (SST) is predominantly done in the evening, where it has been hypothesized that prolonged evening SST may have the most harmful health effects due in part to disruptions to glucose metabolism and sleep. As with the first StandUPTV project, the new Habits grant will test different ways of reducing evening SST in order to determine which ones work the best. This study will contribute important new knowledge regarding evidence-based strategies to establish and maintain behavior change, which can be applied across health behaviors. 

This study will evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of using habit formation strategies as a novel behavioral maintenance strategy among adults at-risk for diabetes. Participants who are engaged in evening SST will receive a text message alert to cue a more active behavior (e.g., 10-min walk) and then receive a financial reward if the active behavior is successfully performed.

The overall goal of the new grant is to use habit formation strategies to try and increase long term behavior change up to 8 months after the study ends. 

For more information, email keadleresearch@calpoly.edu

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