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Meet Casey Heaney, the new STRIDE Coordinator

STRIDE Coordinator, Casey Heaney

I have really enjoyed my first three months with STRIDE, and look forward to working with the center as it continues to grow and make positive changes in the community. I am happy to be back at my alma mater, Cal Poly, where I earned my master’s in public policy in 2011 with an emphasis in social policy. After graduation, I worked with the San Luis Obispo County Red Cross as a volunteer and programs coordinator for three years.

In my free time, I love to hike, run and spend time with my husband and my dog, Rocco. We are getting ready to welcome our first child in May.

I enjoy cooking and look forward to lunch every day at STRIDE as I get to see all the interesting meals the team members have brought. My husband and I have been vegans for the last several years, and I’m always researching and experimenting with new recipes. My favorite meal is anything Mexican, and burritos are a staple in my diet.


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