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Letter from the Director Winter 2019

Suzanne PhelanHappy New Year to the growing number of community members, students and investigators affiliated with the Center for Health Research (CHR). We look forward to more opportunities to connect with you in the coming months. 

We hope that you are able to attend some of the talks in our Science of Health Disparities seminar series. As you’ll read in the newsletter, we have a series of outstanding investigators and practitioners coming to Cal Poly to present their research on how and why health disparities exist and steps we can take to enact positive change. 

CHR investigators are also launching several new projects in the area of minority health, including studying the health consequences of immigrant enclaves and the use of a mobile health clinic to increase access to care among low income women and infants. 

We are grateful for your collaboration and efforts to promote access to health for all in our community and beyond. Best wishes for a healthy and productive 2019. 

-Suzanne Phelan, Director, Center for Health Research

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