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Follow Us on Facebook, Instragram and Twitter

CHR makes regular posts on staff, health and fitness as pictured above.


Follow Us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

You can now stay up-to-date with the Center for Health Research through its new Facebook, @CalPoly CHR, and Instagram, @calpoly_healthresearch, accounts along with the existing Twitter account, @calpolyCHR. Be sure to follow CHR for the latest research and news.

Posts are in English and Spanish and have been highlighting the accomplishments of the students from the class of 2020 who were involved in research at CHR. Some highlights include: 

  • Cami Christopher, who researched physical activity, assessment and health with Professor Sarah Keadle in the Kinesiology and Public Health Department, won the Southwest American College of Sports Medicine and Cal State University Undergraduate research award. Her research looked at the physical activity trajectories on colon cancer risk. 
  • As a phlebotomist and volunteer on the mobile health unit, Anita Kelleher wanted to know more about the health outcomes and barriers faced by the low-income, mostly Hispanic women she worked with on the unit. Under the supervision of Professor Suzanne Phelan in the Kinesiology and Public Health Department, Kelleher received a CSUPERB Doris A. Howell scholarship to research the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes and clinical obesity among uninsured Hispanic women. She found that the majority of women seen on the mobile health unit thus far had elevated or hypertensive blood pressure, 95% had obesity or overweight, and 40% had diabetes or pre-diabetes. These data, she hopes, will help shape preventive and educational programs. 

Posts also include Meet the Team Tuesday and tips for coping with stress during shelter-in-place mandates. Add us on Instagram and Facebook to stay tuned to what is happening at the Center. 


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