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Spring Publication Highlights

Center affiliates are active in their fields, publishing papers on topics including prenatal food preferences and the relationship between ethnic density and cancer. Please see the publication summary below:

  1. Alber JM, Green SH, Glanz K. Perceived and Observed Food Environments, Eating Behaviors, and BMI. Am J Prev Med. 2018;54(3):423-429.
  2. Alber JM, Glanz K. Does the Screening Status of Message Characters Affect Message Effects? Health Educ Behav. 2018;45(1):14-19.
  3. Anzman-Frasca S, Ventura AK, Ehrenberg S, Myers KP. Promoting healthy food preferences from the start: a narrative review of food preference learning from the prenatal period through early childhood. Obes Rev. 2018;19(4):576-604.
  4. Darke JD, Dandekar EM, Aguinaldo AL, Hazelwood SJ, Klisch SM. Effects of Game Pitch Count and Body Mass Index on Pitching Biomechanics in 9- to 10-Year-Old Baseball Athletes. Orthop J Sports Med. 2018;6(4)
  5. Fang CY, Tseng M. Ethnic density and cancer: A review of the evidence. Cancer-Am Cancer Soc. 2018;124(9):1877-1903.
  6. Friebert A, Callaghan-Gillespie M, Papathakis PC, Manary MJ. Adolescent pregnancy and nutrition: a subgroup analysis from the Mamachiponde study in Malawi. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2018;1416(1):140-146.
  7. Hagobian T, Smouse A, Streeter M, Wurst C, Schaffner A, Phelan S. Randomized Intervention Trial to Decrease Bisphenol A Urine Concentrations in Women: Pilot Study. J Womens Health. 2017;26(2):128-132.
  8. Li HC, Staudenmayer J, Wang TY, Keadle SK, Carroll RJ. Three-part joint modeling methods for complex functional data mixed with zero-and-one-inflated proportions and zero-inflated continuous outcomes with skewness. Stat Med. 2018;37(4):611-626.
  9. Matthews CE, Keadle SK, Moore SC, et al. Measurement of Active and Sedentary Behavior in Context of Large Epidemiologic Studies. Med Sci Sport Exer. 2018;50(2):266-276.
  10. Tseng M, Barnoya J, Kruger S, Lachat C, Vandevijvere S, Villamor E. Disclosures of Coca-Cola funding: transparent or opaque? Public Health Nutr. 2018:1-3.
  11. Tseng M, Neill DB, Teaford SF, Nazmi A. Alternative MyPlate Menus: Effects of Ultra-Processed Foods on Saturated Fat, Sugar, and Sodium Content. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2018;50(3):258-266 e251

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