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Fall 2015 Newsletter

Grant recipient writing on white board

Letter from the Director

It’s been a whirlwind quarter, filled with a lot of activity and exciting new projects. The quarter began early when a STRIDE team, now renamed to Center for Health Research, was featured on a local NPR station highlighting our research and programs. Way to go, team! 

Photo of Teaford

STRIDE in the Community

This past June, I had my first opportunity to exhibit and promote our Pink and Dude Chefs nutrition education and culinary skills curriculum at the eighth Biennial Childhood Obesity Conference in San Diego, Calif. The energy among the 50 or so exhibitors — national organizations sharing their wares, ideas and opportunities — filled the large conference hall.

Read more about the conference ›

Joint Obesity Syposium Poster

STRIDE Hosts First Joint Research Symposium with UC Berkeley

Cal Poly STRIDE and the UC Berkeley School of Public Health hosted their first Joint Obesity Symposium in October in San Luis Obispo. The event brought together nearly 50 participants to foster collaboration in obesity research, projects and community-based efforts. 

Read more about the obesity symposium ›


Orphaea Grant

STRIDE Receives Grant to Implement Pink & Dude Chefs at Local Schools

Dozens of middle school students in northern Santa Barbara County will learn how to cook healthy meals thanks to a $35,000 grant from the Orfalea Foundation, a philanthropic organization focused on improving early childhood education, school food and disaster readiness. The grant will allow STRIDE to implement Pink and Dude Chefs programming at four sites

Read more about the grant ›

New Health Ambassadors and A Team

STRIDE Welcomes New Health Ambassadors and Assessment Team Members

STRIDE started the academic year off with a new team of Health Ambassadors and Assessment Team employees.  Please help us in welcoming these six students. Read more to learn about their roles, hobbies and favorite foods. 

Read more about the new team ›


More News

STRIDE Science: New Professor Examines Risky Behaviors on College Campus

Christine Hackman

More than 12 percent of college students reduce the amount they eat and increase their exercise so that they can drink in excess without gaining weight, a behavior known as drunkorexia. Drunkorexia, a combination of an eating disorder and binge drinking, is a growing concern for health researchers and educators, including Christine Hackman, the newest tenure-track professor in Cal Poly’s Kinesiology Department and a STRIDE affiliate. 

Read more about Hackman's research ​›


Center Holds First Campuswide Food Day Event

Food Day EventMore than 200 Cal Poly students celebrated Food Day with STRIDE and the Real Food Collaborative in October, learning about food policies and tasting free samples from local farms and eateries. This was the first campuswide event for Food Day, a National celebration designed to encourage Americans to examine food policies and food-related issues. 

Read more about the Food Day event ›

Support Learn By Doing in the Bailey College

Support Learn by Doing in the Bailey College

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