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Intentional and Unintentional Injury

Exercise in Below-knee Amputees

This study is measuring the impact of different forms of weight-bearing exercises on the bodies of below-knee amputees to inform methods to prevent the onset of osteoarthritis.  The study is comparing the impacts of cycling, elliptical, and walking exercise using motion analysis and computer modeling.  Knee biomechanics will be evaluated for two groups between the ages of 18 and 50: a control group of 10 nonamputee subjects and a group of 10 amputee subjects. Most of the amputee participants will be veterans.  The study if funded by the Department of Defense.

Principal Investigator: Stephen Klisch, sklisch@calpoly.edu
Co-investigators: Scott Hazelwood, Brian Self, Hemanth Porumamilla, and Robert Clark




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