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STRIDE Celebrates Graduating Team Members

june 2014

Alex Crilly

Alex Crilly, Psychology/Pre-PA, A-Team

What skills did you gain during your time with STRIDE? 

Working as a site manager was my first managerial position, so I learned leadership skills, including how to motivate students and keep them on task. I also learned a lot about teamwork by seeing how all the different teams here at STRIDE work together.

What are your plans after graduation?

My goal is to spend some time gaining more clinical experience, then attend physician's assistant school.

What is your favorite movie?

I have two: “Amelie” and “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”

Lauren Lambertson

Lauren Lambertson, Graphic Communication, PR/Media

What skills did you gain during your time with STRIDE? 

I've learned a lot at STRIDE. Most importantly, though, I've been able to gain awesome real-world experience working in an office setting. The materials I've created for STRIDE are great additions to my resume and portfolio, and managing several projects at once has taught me a lot about time management and balance.

What are your plans after graduation?

I am hoping to pursue a career in project management in the graphic arts industry, which would allow me to combine two of my passions: working with people and being creative. I plan to head to northern California to work in the Bay Area.

What did you have for dinner on your birthday this year?

I had a tri-tip sandwich from Firestone with jack cheese. Try it sometime!

Jaime Lockhart

Jaime Lockhart, Nutrition, Health Ambassadors

What skills did you gain during your time with STRIDE?

STRIDE has taught me organizational skills, time management skills, communication skills and, most importantly, leadership skills. Before this experience I never considered myself to be a leader. I now feel more than prepared for a future in health promotion. 

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation I will complete and defend my thesis, get married, move to Ohio and then focus on my next goal: becoming a registered dietitian. I will be applying for dietetic internships in 2015.

What is your favorite STRIDE-related memory?

My favorite STRIDE memories are from Pink and Dude Chefs. Though it was stressful at times, coordinating the program for four quarters was extremely rewarding. I'll never forget when all of the kids ran up to me and gave me a group hug at my last Family Fiesta event. 

Christina Inouye

Christina Inouye, Nutrition, SNAP-Ed

What skills did you gain during your time with STRIDE?  

I have gained skills in professionalism and improved communication, which will be beneficial in my future career as a healthcare professional.

What are your plans after graduation?

I will begin a dietetic internship in August. 

What is your favorite movie/band/album/book?

My favorite book is "East of Eden" by John Steinbeck, and my favorite movie is "Forrest Gump."

Joel Dowers

Joel Dowers, Kinesiology, A-Team

What skills did you gain during your time with STRIDE?

I gained a lot of management experience. I got to plan, organize and execute events. Also, teaching students assessment skills made my confidence in my own assessment skills increase. I got to meet a lot of people and gain a better understanding of the area.

What are your plans after graduation?

I will work as a clinical exercise physiologist doing cardiopulmonary rehabilitation at Marian Medical Center.

What is your favorite movie?

"Bottle Shock."


Chelsea Eismann

Chelsea Eismann, Nutrition, SNAP-Ed



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