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Pink and Dude Chefs

Pink and Dude Chefs at a cooking classPink and Dude Chefs provides nutrition education and hands-on culinary skills to middle-school students. Since its creation in 2008, the Pink and Dude Chefs program has become one of Center for Health Research's most popular community efforts. 

Cal Poly students, including Health Ambassadors, teach participants healthy and safe cooking skills in a fun environment. During each six-week afterschool program, participating students learn the basics of kitchen safety and how to prepare nutritious snacks and meals for themselves and their families.

Current Activities

In the coming quarters, Pink and Dude Chefs will be conducting Phase 2, "Around the World," at Mesa Middle School in Arroyo Grande. Phase 2 allows middle school chefs to explore the culture and cuisine of a different country each week. 

Pink and Dude Chefs Online Campus

Would you like to run Pink and Dude Chefs in your community? Center for Health Research offers comprehensive training in everything an organization would need to run the program! Learn more about Pink and Dude Chefs Online Campus.

Pink and Dude Chefs in the News!

Check out the Santa Maria Times article, "Kids dig into cooking program"!

How to Get Involved

To get involved, enroll in the KINE 290-02 course.

Contact Info

Photo Name Position Email Phone
Jacqueline Chen Program Coordinator jchen157@calpoly.edu 805-756-2195
Aydin Nazmi


Aydin Nazmi, PhD


Faculty Advisor nazmi@calpoly.edu 805-756-6447


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