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STRIDE Spotlight: Spring 2013


Jaime Lockhart


Jaime Lockhart is a second year nutrition graduate student as well as the coordinator of Health Ambassadors and Pink & Dude Chefs. Pink & Dude Chefs is a hands-on, after school program that teaches middle school students about cooking and nutrition through a culinary approach.

Jaime is currently running the second phase of the Pink & Dude Chefs program called Around the World. This curriculum explores the culture and cuisine of a different country every week, while aiming to enhance cooking skills and nutrition competency. Jaime’s master’s thesis will evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Over the summer, she plans to refine each lesson and prepare for data collection in the fall. We are excited to have her on board this year.


Dr. Suzanne Phelan


Dr. Suzanne Phelan is an associate professor in the Kinesiology Department at Cal Poly. She is also a key figure in STRIDE, serving as the faculty advisor for a number of STRIDE programs including Fit Moms, Healthy Beginnings, and Choose to Lose. Fit Moms is a study testing the effects of an online lifestyle intervention to reduce postpartum weight retention in low-income women. Healthy Beginnings is a randomized, controlled trial that tests the efficacy of a lifestyle intervention to promote healthy weight gain during pregnancy in overweight or obese women. Choose to Lose examines whether weight loss prior to menopause can reduce risk factors for postmenopausal breast cancer. Dr. Phelan’s many contributions to STRIDE research programs are truly invaluable.


The HEAL-SLO logo

Commmunity partner

HEAL-SLO is a progressive organization that strives to address the obesity epidemic through a variety of programs. HEAL-SLO consists of more than 60 local organizations that contribute to the movement of healthy eating and active living. One of HEAL-SLO’s most popular programs is ReThink Your Drink, which focuses on reducing consumption of sugary beverages. The organization has presented to a variety of audiences at preschools, afterschool programs, school classrooms, parent groups, and nonprofit organizations.

Integral to the relationship between HEAL-SLO and STRIDE is Kathleen Karle, division manager of the Health Promotion Division at County Public Health. Karle has been instrumental in many of STRIDE’s collaborations with the SLO community.



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