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President's Cabinet Presentation

Growing Economic Development and Community Engagment Opportunities

may 2, 2013

STRIDE staff at the President's Cabinet meeting

STRIDE showcased its work at the Cal Poly President’s Cabinet Meeting, which addressed “Growing Economic Development and Community Engagement Opportunities.” Activity4All, Health Ambassadors, Pink & Dude Chefs, A-Team, and PR/Media were all highlighted at the event on Thursday, May 2, in the Performing Arts Center lobby. Jane Hurley, Sam Huskins and Jaime Lockhart educated the audience about all the facets of STRIDE.

The audience consisted of President Armstrong and his wife, his cabinet and their spouses, and Provost Enz Finken. The STRIDE team displayed several research posters. The PhotoVoice project was also on display showing the versatility, teamwork and cooperation within STRIDE.

The presentation began with an introductory speech by Kevin Taylor followed by an overview of STRIDE presented by Aydin Nazmi. Jane Hurley, a research coordinator, then explained the Heath Ambassadors’ work and the success of the FLASH study. Webmaster Sam Huskins discussed STRIDE’s behind-the-scenes work, including the efforts of the PR/Media & Graphics team. Jaime Lockhart focused on the Pink & Dude Chefs program and her experience as a program coordinator. The presentation came to a close with an engaging question-and-answer session.

"STRIDE is a growing, dynamic program, and an excellent example of our Learn by Doing approach. Our faculty work closely with our students to provide them rich opportunities to test their knowledge on real-world challenges. This is exactly what our Learn by Doing approach is all about. As a result, STRIDE students are acquiring skills that will distinguish them when they enter the workforce, no matter what career they pursue. Their professionalism and leadership capabilities are evident in all aspects of the program, and the presentation to the President’s Cabinet made that very clear.” - President Armstrong 

Pink and Dude Chefs at the President's Cabinet meeting
STRIDE staff standing by a Photo Voice display

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