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Center for Health Research History

The idea for a Cal Poly research Center in Obesity Prevention and Education (COPE) first sprung in 2006 from faculty within the Department of Kinesiology (Dr. Kris Jankovitz; Dr. Kevin Taylor) and supported by the dean (Phil Bailey) of the College of Science and Math (CSM). In 2007, the center’s first director was hired (Ann McDermott, PhD; Kinesiology dept).  Over the ensuing 5 years, the center grew through support from the CSM into a burgeoning hub for new research in obesity and related health issues. In 2012, a formal university center was proposed (under the Direction of Aydin Nazmi, PhD; Department of Nutrition) and was approved by the senate and university leadership on 03/11/2014.  Initially, the university center was called Science through Transdisciplinary Research in Diet and Exercise (STRIDE); although “Science” was later changed to “Solutions”.  In 2017, an executive committee and operations document were developed (under direction of Suzanne Phelan, PhD; Department of Kinesiology and Public Health) and, in 2018, the Center’s name was changed to the Center for Health Research (CHR) to better communicate the Center’s mission with its increasingly national and international audience.


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