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Community Announcements from STRIDE Partners

Check out the volunteer opportunities, meetings, and updates from STRIDE affiliates and community partners.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • One Cool Earth: Volunteer with One Cool Earth and help children receive hands-on, outdoor experience through maintaining school gardens in Paso Robles and Atascadero.  The non-profit is recruiting for a Garden Educator Assistant Garden Club Supervisor, Composting Intern, Waste Audit Intern, and Garden Maintenance Volunteer.  

For more information, please contact Miranda Beal at miranda@onecoolearth.org or (805) 266-5564. Also, check out our brand new website (www.onecoolearth.org) and Facebook and ‘like’ our page: www.facebook.com/onecoolearth

Community Happenings:

  • New Fall Program: The San Luis Obispo County Department of Public Health is kicking 2017 off with a new fall prevention program for seniors in the County to help them stay independent and prevent falls before they happen. The department is offering classes in the community where participants can learn a balance and strength home exercise routine, how to identify and fix home hazards, and how to manage other fall risk factors. Cal Poly Kinesiology students and faculty are involved in evaluating the program's effects on senior's balance and mobility and their intention to adopt fall preventing behaviors. The program also offers home safety assessments for high risk seniors and referrals for home repair and safety equipment installation.

 For more information, please contact Krysti Escobedo, MPH at 805-781-5575 or kescobedo@co.slo.ca.us.

  • Campus Health & Wellbeing Updates:  Campus Health & Wellbeing recently hired a new Health Educator, Christine Nelson, who will join our team April 3, 2017. Christine comes to Cal Poly with experience working in San Luis Obispo County as a Health Education Specialist for the University of California Cooperative Extension. The Health Educator position at Campus Health & Wellbeing oversees a thriving Peer Health Education program, as well as, leads and guides our prevention and education strategies for our Cal Poly students.


Meetings and Events:

  • Friday Night Live (FNL): This college-based chapter focuses on informing students about the negative consequences associated with drugs and alcohol, while encouraging positive, healthy, and responsible lifestyles. Winter quarter meetings are as follows March 1, & March 15 at 6:00 pm in Building 26 Room 103. 

For more information, contact Lauren Rocha at 805-503-2101 or lrocha@co.slo.ca.us.

  • Wellness Promotion Specialist: In collaboration with the County of San Luis Obispo, Campus Health & Wellbeing is hosting a part-time Wellness Promotion Specialist to assist students, staff and faculty in connecting to campus and community resources. Lauren Rocha, the Wellness Promotion Specialist, has drop in hours on Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am – 3:00pm at Campus Health & Wellbeing, building 27 room 173B.  

For more information visit: .

  • May: 31 Days of Wellness Challenge: During the month of May, Campus Health & Wellbeing will engage the campus community (students, staff and faculty) in a 31 Days of Wellness Challenge.  We are currently seeking campus and community partners interested in hosting, sponsoring or collaborating with our efforts. 

Interested? Contact wellbeing@calpoly.edu.

To have your announcement published in the next STRIDE newsletter, contact Casey Heaney at heaney@calpoly.edu or 805-756-5365.


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