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CHR Alum: Where Are They Now?

Each year dozens of student interns work or volunteer with CHR, helping to recruit participants, collect measures and analyze data. Many of them graduate Cal Poly and continue with public health careers.  Below is a snapshot of what two CHR alum have done since graduation.

Cami Christopher worked at CHR as an undergrad and is now pursuing a PhD at Harvard. 

Cami Christopher 

While earning her undergraduate degree in 2020 at Cal Poly, Cami Christopher worked as a lead student research assistant studying the relationship between physical activity and chronic disease prevention. It was while working in the lab with Dr. Sarah Keadle, professor of kinesiology and public health and CHR investigator, that Christopher decided she wanted to pursue a career in public health research.  =

Since graduating in 2020 from Cal Poly’s kinesiology and public health department, Christopher completed her master’s in public health and is now pursuing a PhD from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.   

“I am so grateful for all my experiences at Cal Poly,” Christopher said.  

After earning her Masters of Public Health from Boston University this past May, Christopher started her PhD in Nutritional Epidemiology.  She is studying how physical activity and nutrition can be used to prevent cancer, support treatment, and increase survivorship outcomes.  

Anita Kelleher was a phlebotomist and student assistant for four years with CHR.  She is now working at UCSF.  

Anita Kelleher 

It was with CHR where Anita Kelleher completed her first blood draw as an unsupervised phlebotomist. She continued working as a phlebotomist and research assistant while completing her bachelor and master degrees in Nutrition. Five years later, she is using these skills she acquired as a phlebotomist and student assistant with CHR at her job as a Clinical Research Coordinator at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland.  

During her five years with CHR, Kelleher drew blood and inserted IVs in patients, collected data, helped design program material, and worked on the mobile health unit serving uninsured patients.  She also conducted her master thesis research at CHR, looking at alternative ways of tracking food intake among lower literacy populations. 

In November, Kelleher started her fulltime position with UCSF coordinating research in lysosomal storage diseases & Achondroplasia in Dr. Paul Harmatz’s lab.  

“It’s a good environment and it feels purposeful,” Kelleher said of her new lab. “I’m going to be going with patients while they receive transfusions or MRIs, which is very cool!” 


CHR alum, let us know what you’re up to by emailing us at healthresearch@calpoly.edu

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